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Doing Science activities with bare basics

This project, nicknamed SEE-SAW, is meant to provide opportunities for any student in any school to do science. Even for schools in the poor...

Monday, December 23, 2019

Ultimate in Students Experiencing Science: Independent Science Research

Most science teachers may not be aware of what our students are capable of as scientists themselves. Even if we include short laboratory and experimental experiences in our science classes, these activities are not necessarily indicative of what professional scientists actually do. Real research tends to be long-term, frustrating, full of trial and error, and so on. But the payoff is discovery!

Teenagers are, in fact, capable of doing real science, of making true discovery. And there is no need for a professional laboratory or expensive equipment. Much like what we are trying to show for classroom science activities, and that there are many things that can be done with minimal equipment and materials, the same can be said for actual research. There are hundreds of research questions and experiments that can be done just in areas such as fluid mechanics, granular materials, heat flow, and fragmentation/cracking of materials, and which can be set up from scratch with relatively simple materials and equipment many schools may be able to obtain. This is the purpose of the CABS site. You can also see dozens of examples of student research papers, from which students can get ideas or use as models for writing up their own work.

Encourage students to not just ask questions about topics they are curious about, but pursue trying to figure out the answers on their own. Encourage them to dream up possible experiments; make educated guesses as to the answer; make observations; read about it when possible. This is doing science, it is problem solving, it is discovering how and why things work. 

Many students will respond, and they will never stop amazing teachers with what they are capable of!

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