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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Physics Activity - Sound from homemade rubber band instruments

Link to Sound properties from Rubber band instruments lesson plan. 
Link to Sound properties from rubber band instruments training video. 

Sound and music are universally important in everyday life, and it can be fun and interesting to study sound in a science class to determine who and why instruments work the way they do when making music. In this activity, using rubber bands allows for simple instruments to be created, and then have students systematically determine what needs to be done in order to change the pitch of the sound made by stretched rubber bands.

Any type of wave has three main quantities - wavelength, frequency and wave speed. This experiment allows us to change the wavelength (the stretch of the rubber band), the frequency (by changing the tension in the rubber band), while having a constant speed of sound of around 330 meters/second. There is a mathematical relationship between these three:
                    wave speed = (wavelength)x(frequency), or v = λf

Enjoy making a homemade instrument from rubber bands, and get ideas from the lesson plan or from the video

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