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Doing Science activities with bare basics

This project, nicknamed SEE-SAW, is meant to provide opportunities for any student in any school to do science. Even for schools in the poor...

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Donate to EducAid - Evanston fundraising for female hygiene

 A group of my students are doing fundraising in our school that will be sent to EducAid in Sierra Leone. The goal is for this money to be used to help girls attain feminine hygiene products, which are often difficult for them to come by or afford. They also want to raise awareness of menstrual shaming so many girls suffer just about anywhere in the world. If you are able to help out, even small donations add up and allow for good things to happen on the ground!! 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Progress in lighting up the world

 One of the reasons for the SEE-SAW project is the lack of access to electricity for too many people around the world. Obviously, the lack of electricity is devastating on how one can do scientific investigations, let alone have access to this blog since you would not have computers with Internet access. 

While this is one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), that is, to have all countries and people with access to electricity by the year 2030, what is the progress towards the goal? This site uses data from the World Bank from 1998 through 2019, and it is estimated that the number of people without electricity dipped below 1 billion in 2015. Keep in mind that the first power plant for any city was built in 1882. Let's hope this trend continues and does, in fact, we can light up the entire world!