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Doing Science activities with bare basics

This project, nicknamed SEE-SAW, is meant to provide opportunities for any student in any school to do science. Even for schools in the poor...

Friday, November 13, 2020

A good message from a former NASA astronaut: How STEM training + Love can change the world

 There is a stereotype in many places and among different groups of people that subjects and professions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are dry, regimented, rigid, and for geeks and nerds. There is often a sense there is a lack of emotion, and humanity, in these types of studies and professions. 

But unless you are actually involved and participating in STEM areas, it can be difficult to understand the excitement and true passion we have for our areas of interest. And what's more, while it is the job of politicians and others to develop and vote on policies that affect our lives, and also to address the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) over the next decade, we all must realize and understand that STEM will help provide the solutions to those SDGs, and help make the world better for the next generation of humanity! 

Some of the qualities, concerns, and passions of STEM professionals is beautifully addressed by Dottie Metcalf-Lindenburger, a former teacher and NASA astronaut, who now spends her days addressing sustainability issues around the world because of her science background. The goals, concerns and personal characteristics of an astronaut are precisely those that we need to tackle the world's most pressing issues. The talents and skills of STEM workers, along with a love for humanity, is the combination that will move the world forward for all of us! This is another way of thinking about the importance of our SEE SAW project, and to encourage and grow the STEM talents in all nations...it is in part to help save our world! By the way, this project is in honor of SDGs #4, 9, 10, and 17, primarily, but again, there is overlap with just about all the SDGs; in honor of our one human race!!  

This video is the first in an upcoming series put out by our friends at the SOS4Love Project

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